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Business Services Operation Research

The Business Services Operations Research Event requires the preparation of a detailed written strategic plan and presentation based on the results of a research study for a company providing services to businesses on a fee or contract basis or providing services to consumers. Examples may include: human resources companies, information technology companies, legal services firms, training and development organizations, health care service providers, libraries, construction companies, landscaping companies, beauty salons, car washes, automotive repair companies, interior decorating, child care services, photography and tutoring services.

Sports and Entertainment Marketing Operations Research

The Sports and Entertainment Marketing Operations Research Event requires the preparation of a detailed written strategic plan and presentation based on the results of a research study for a company providing products, services or experiences relating to amateur or professional sports or sporting events, entertainment or entertainment events, selling or renting of supplies and equipment (other than vehicles) used for recreational or sporting purposes or products and services related to hobbies, leisure or cultural events. Examples may include: sports team, movie theatres, waterparks, music venues, concerts, festivals, amateur practice facilities, tournaments, summer camps, outdoor adventure companies and craft/music classes.

Community Giving Project

The Community Giving Project uses the project management process to raise funds or collect donations to be given to a cause/charity. Examples include food bank donations, homeless shelter donations, 5K’s, sports tournaments, auctions, banquets, item collections, holiday drives, adopt a families, etc.

Franchise Business Plan

The purpose of the Franchise Business Plan Event is designed for participants to present a comprehensive business plan proposal to buy into an existing franchise. The participant seeks to become a franchisee.

Start-Up Business Plan

The purpose of the Start-Up Business Plan Event is to provide an opportunity for the participant to develop and present a proposal to form a business. The event provides an opportunity for a participant to develop and demonstrate mastery of essential knowledge and skills as they apply to the analysis of a business opportunity.

Buying and Merchandising Operations Research

The Buying and Merchandising Operations Research Event requires the preparation of a detailed written strategic plan and presentation based on the results of a research study for a company responsible for getting the product into the hands of the customer through forecasting, planning, buying, displaying, selling and providing customer service. Examples may include any retail or wholesale business that provides consumer goods: specialty stores, department stores, shopping malls, grocery stores, convenience stores, pharmacies, discount stores, farmers markets and car dealerships.

Business Solutions Project

The Business Solutions Project uses the project management process to work with a local business or organization to identify a specific problem with the current business operations and implement a solution. Examples include talent acquisition, employee on-boarding, policies and procedures, technology integration, customer service improvement, safety operations, marketing and promotion activities, and productivity and output enhancement.

Financial Literacy Project

The Financial Literacy Project uses the project management process to promote the importance of financial literacy, including spending and saving, credit and debt, employment and income, investing, risk and insurance and financial decision making. Examples include organizing and implementing seminars for students (elementary, middle, high and post-secondary), tax preparation assistance, retirement planning, and student loan workshops.

Independent Business Plan

The Independent Business Plan Event involves the development of a comprehensive proposal to start a new business. Any type of business may be used.

Finance Operations Research

The Finance Operations Research Event requires the preparation of a detailed written strategic plan and presentation based on the results of a research study for a company providing financial services to commercial and retail customers. Examples may include: banks, credit unions, accounting firms, investment companies, insurance companies and real estate firms.

Career Development Project

The Career Development Project uses the project management process to promote/educate the knowledge and skills needed for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality, management and entrepreneurship. Examples include career fairs, summer boot camps, professional dress seminars, résumé development workshops, career exploration initiatives, mock interviews, and career workplace re-entry and mentor programs.

Sales Project

The Sales Project uses the project management process to raise funds for the local DECA chapter. Examples include sports tournaments, t-shirt sales, 5K’s, school merchandise sales, catalog sales, sponsorship development initiatives, fashion shows, pageants, restaurant nights, value cards, and yearbook sales.

Innovation Plan

The Innovation Plan Event involves the idea generation and opportunity recognition needed to take advantage of market opportunities to introduce a new business, product or service. Any type of business, product or service may be used.

Hospitality and Tourism Operations Research

The Hospitality and Tourism Operations Research Event requires the preparation of a detailed written strategic plan and presentation based on the results of a research study for a company providing products and services related to event management, lodging, restaurant management and travel and tourism industries. Examples may include: hotels, lodging services, convention services, food and beverage services, restaurants, museums, amusement parks, zoos and other tourism-related businesses.

Community Awareness Project

The Community Awareness Project uses the project management process to raise awareness for a community issue or cause. Examples include day of service, distracted driving, driving under the influence, bullying, disease awareness, mental health awareness, drug awareness, ethics, environmental and green issues, and vaping.

Business Growth Plan

The Business Growth Plan involves the idea generation and strategy development needed to grow an existing business. Participants in the Business Growth Plan will analyze their current business operations and identify opportunities to grow and expand the business.

International Business Plan

The International Business Plan Event involves the development of a proposal to start a new business venture in an international setting. Any type of business may be used.

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